It may have been a while since I've updated, but we have been having tons of fun.... mostly in the "big girl" category! Aidie is now primarily off pureed foods and on to table food. Although she is still loving her apple sauce. Daddy is pretty sure he is way better at feeding time than me, due to the amount of mess. But honestly- she needs a chance to experiment!

We have also been spending a lot of time outside. Aidie is loving all the outdoor time!

Of course indoor time is fun too! It is hysterical to watch Dan and Aidie because Aidie actually "fights" back. However, if anyone besides her is doing it, she freaks out.

We have recently discovered a new way to help mommy in the kitchen. Aidie loves to play in the kitchen cabinets (mommy approved of course!). We're doing something new and she loves all the sounds.

We decided to grill out one day. So we tied up Cainy, put Aidie in the high chair and off we went!

Daddy even posed for a grilling photo ;-)

Aidie is becoming quite the little mathematician. She LOVES to play with rulers and calculators!

She is getting so much more advanced with all of her toys. She and daddy stacked all of her rings the other day- very little daddy help! She is also learning to help put away her toys!

More fun time outside!

Our St. Patricks day excitement. After Aidie went to bed we had green drinks, complete with four leaf clovers!

When Aidie wouldn't sleep one day- a habit that just keeps getting worse and worse!- We stopped by the zoo and looked at all of the pretty flowers blooming!

Aidie has been participating in some psychology experiments at the psych building. Here she is enjoying one of her well earned prizes.

Aidie loves to help mommy clean. Anything with a button is fair game in her opinion!

That's pretty well it for our life up til now. If you keep up on Facebook, you know she is becoming quite the little toddler- what with screaming fits, not sleeping and generally getting into everything. I suppose we'll just hold onto our hats and try to point her in the right direction as long as the wind doesn't sweep us off our feet :-)
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