No, Aidie isn't getting married quite yet (although there are a few handsome, infantile gents lining up), but I AM super excited about her birthday dress. If you are looking for adorable girly duds check out togs4tots on Etsy. I am in LOVE!

Super reasonable and perfect for whenever. She even added extra ribbon and sewed on a "1" to the bottom for a few extra bucks. I cannot wait until April 16th!!!
Speaking of her birthday: for those of you who are unaware, we will be having a Rubber Ducky theme, as Aiden LOVES ducks!
Please be aware that the next section is not presumption, merely a response to the many questions we have been asked. In regards to gift questions (GIFTS ARE NOT REQUIRED!), please note the following:
1. We will be posting a registry for Aidie's birthday. As soon as it is done. I will publish the link.
2. As we have SO MANY 18month clothes (and she is already wearing 12month clothes), we are asking for 24month/2T clothes only. Of course if you'd like to make something or find that perfect outfit and it happens to be of 12-18month size, we won't hold it against you and will flaunt it appropriately ;-)
3. Aiden's likes: Ducks, dogs, bunnies, magnets, interactive books, bathtime, puppets and shoes
4. Aiden's dislikes: Anything in/for her hair/head (this excludes shampoo, as she loves bathtime! But includes, although is not limited to: hair bows, hats, ribbons, head bands, etc), items that cause restriction (such as her car seat!), bananas, avacado, and videos of herself with mommy.
Hope the list helps!
Aidie is getting to be quite the walker but doesn't really do much without quite a bit of encouragement. She took six steps last night, although we only caught four on video. Enjoy the clip of our most naked girly taking a walk!
Also, she is quite the talker and her favorite word right now is "Hi!" Enjoy her adorably cute voice. She says hi to everything, clocks, doors, the dog, strangers, pictures and even the tv. SO cute!