Aiden has decided that the greatest fun is had in laundry baskets. She has been climbing in and out of them all week, as well as everything else; in fact, she actually climbed over a barricade, went down face first, and just kept going- yes determination- we see you shining through. Yesterday, she got stuck going in. Rather than fuss or reach out for help or even try to help herself, she just laid there and got cozy!
Aiden and Caina have always had their fun together, but it has really escalated lately. Here we see Aiden stealing Caina's bone once again. In a moment she will be laughing hysterically as Caina takes it back. They probably did this 20 times before I finally got the camera.

Oh yes... the "I am so sneaky" look. This is Aiden deciding to tap away at the computer keys (corner seen on bottom right). Not even thinking that I might be able to stop her...
She thought it would be great fun to take a bunch of toys under this little bassinet we have in her room, that holds blankets and stuffed animals, and play with them there. It was so cute. I can't wait for Dan to see her first fort!

We have been having a heck of a time capturing her standing alone on film. I don't really think it's lack of confidence (this child be not lacking in the confidence area), but I just don't think she realizes she can actually do it. So after she grabbed a chicken and stood shaking it a couple of times, I grabbed the camera. Of course by that time the chicken was gone and she was pulling herself up on the rocker, but hey! I got my proof!
what a cute little monkey!