We have had lots of excitement this past couple of weeks. My cousin Jessie had her little boy, Iroh Ji Redder Rust, who is absolutely adorable and looks a lot like her!
We also had our 9-month check-up yesterday and got a fantastic review- allow me some extensive bragging for a paragraph... Although things are always subject to change, our doctor said that Aiden's growth in all areas is so consistent that it seems likely that she'll continue along these paths. Meaning: That she will quite likely be taller than both Dan and me, perfect weight and exceptionally bright. The doctor was so impressed with her cognitive and motor skill progress that he said she is a rather exceptional child and already measuring along with the average 13/14-month child. WOW! You can't get better news than that!
Enjoy the pictures of my big, beautiful, super-smart baby girl!

We brought in some snow for Aidie to play with the other day, as it's just too nasty to go outside. She tried to eat some, but it was so cold!

She has been so cute lately. She has been flipping through books and babbling as she looked at the pictures- reading to me! I love it!

Here we are, having a fun mommy, baby day, as she was pinching my cheeks.

She has really been working on her "gentle hands". We practiced by petting daddy's beard!

We love laundry baskets!

This past week, grampy turned 54! We went over to my Mamaw and Papaw Champlins to visit a little!

She just love playing with plastic water bottles- something we discovered at Mamaw and Papaw's house.

We played with a flashlight, which is the coolest thing ever in her opinion.

I have been reusing the glass baby jars I had to fill with her homemade food and puffs and formula. They have been great!

Aunt J.J. even came over for a bit to visit!

Aiden and Mamaw giving kisses!

Papaw is just in love with her... which is hillarious as he is generally terrified of babies- they being so breakable and all.

Grammy finished Aidie's hat this week. Cutest thing ever! Thanks grammy!

More practice with the gentle hands. We love our big "papa bear".

We always love looking out the window and saying "Good Morning World!" first thing.