These past couple of weeks have been extremely busy. Dan started his new job this past Monday. I finished my student teaching and now have to start looking for a job and join the ranks of true adulthood. And Aidie has gotten so big- She has started trying to say "baby" and "bottle" which come out "bebe" and "bada". And we officially have our first tooth!!! We are super excited and pretty sure number two isn't far behind.:
Grandma and Grandpa Wisley saved the big box from a new chair they bought and let Aidie use it as a fort... or submarine as we made portholes instead of windows.

She loves crawling through the coffee table that serves as the entertainment center. Unfortunately, she got stuck right after this picture was taken and got really upset. She hasn't shown much interest in crawling through it since. More proof that trial and error is a good method of teaching.

We had our first experience with snow. She wasn't entirely sure what to think about it. As usual, she was very serious and studied it very intently.

We decorated our Christmas tree and helped Grandma and Grandpa Wisley with theirs too. Aidie LOVES Christmas trees- the lights, the ornaments, the branches. In her opinion, Christmas is super awesome!

She is also sharing, which is so incredibly cute. She will play and then hand us her toy and expect up to play with it. I just love it!
We finally took our Christmas pictures and we'll be sending out our Christmas cards ASAP!

She actually crawled all the way up our stairs the other night- followed directly by mommy of course! I can't believe it! She went so fast!
She's gotten sooo big! From the pictures- I'd say she's 18 months! Not 8 months!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd she's just like her mom if she loves Christmas! You start the Christmas music in July and the Christmas shopping in September!
yay for videos! great job, aiden!