We finally had our two month check up yesterday! Aiden is measuring up very well.
Head: 38.5cm- 25%
Weight: 11lbs. 1oz.- 50%
Height: 23 1/2inches- 75%
So, as I've been remarking: Long, thin and a small head. Hahaha! Well, it works for her... She is the cutest little thing I've ever seen- even if she is my own :-)
We also started her vaccinations. We are going to be doing them in individual doses every two weeks. We started with the oral vaccination Rotavirus yesterday. It has the least effect on children. So I thought this was a good way to start. She won't start getting the injections for another two weeks. By that time, she will be three months old. The older she is, the more comfortable I feel. The doctor and nurses were very nice about it all. The nurse is even checking to see if we can split up the Diptheria, tetnus & Pertusis vaccine, which is usually administered as a three in one. Hopefully, we will be able to find a way to split it up a bit. I just think these vaccines are so hard on little bodies. While I don't want her to get sick, I also don't want her suffering from the vaccinations either. Waying the odds... argh! Why is there sickness in the world! Any way... she has done fine with this first vaccine (as it's oral). Hopefully she will do just as well with all the others!
We have been in an excellent mood for the last few days. She is happy so much and wanting to play and smile. It's wonderful to watch her be so interested in the things around her and happy to be with us. I just love it when she smiles at us! There is no better feeling in the whole world!
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