Although I haven't had a chance to accomplish as much as I intended, this week has been very exciting in Prebabyland. Dan talked to the baby for the first time this week. It was so sweet! After taking care of me during a terrible spell on Sunday, we were nestled on the couch watching a movie. Dan laid his head on my stomach and asked the baby how he/she was doing. How he/she was feeling after the difficult day we had experienced. It's just one more thing that helps me see how great a father Dan is going to be.
We did manage to get out to go shopping in Nashville yesterday. We had a nice time trying to find some early Christmas presents (as it's my custom to get Christmas shopping done by October). I got tired really easily, but we had a lot of fun. Dan also mentioned that I was actually starting to look pregnant (Yeah!). So that was an exciting and proud moment for me. Although my stomach has suddenly grown, I haven't really felt like it's a "pregnant belly". Hearing some reassurance from Dan felt really good.
Well, here are the weekly belly pictures:
Well, my mom informs me that she started showing early. That makes me feel a little better and a little less like I'm having twins.
Fun Facts!
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 12 weeks
*What week are you in? 12 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? Officially lost weight again. Just about half of a pound, but you'd think with only being able to eat carbs I would have gained something regardless of how sick I've been. And I'm getting bigger out in front. So, I guess that means I'm losing weight in other places to compensate?
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? Not yet, It'll be another couple of months
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Gabriel, Girl: I really like Aiden Jerusalem
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Definitely Dan, any training nurses/interns (it was a great experience for me!)
*Natural or medicated childbirth? Medicated when I can't take it anymore
*Home or hospital birth? Bloomington Hospital
*How are you feeling right about now? Just nauseous, but starting to get some energy.
*Have you felt the baby move? Not yet but I can't wait!
*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? We haven't done much shopping yet. We're kind of trying to wait until we find out the gender.
*Any food cravings? I wanted Chocolate donuts one day, and another I wanted BBQ anything. Right now I'm just trying to keep down food, which means eating little that isn't starch.
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? The list is growing. On top of last week: yogurt is the newest thing, It's difficult to eat fruit, but I'm trying to work it in. Very few vegetables are palatable still. I'm working on it!
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Dan talking to the baby for the first time! Dan saying that I'm starting to "look pregnant".
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