Well, this week has been pretty interesting. We went to the doctor yesterday and heard the baby's heartbeat again! I was a little nervous because Dr. Stafford was having a little trouble locating it at first. But he finally found the little wisling hiding out on the right side of my abdomen. I love that sound. It reminds me that I really am having a baby and not just gaining weight and experiencing an overextended bout of flu.
The nausea is finally starting to ease up. I'm having good days and bad days, but Dr. Stafford informed us that that is a sign that morning sickness if moving up and away. I should be having many more good days in the future. The only thing that is really causing me to feel sick lately (besides all of those foods I can no long ingest) is the fact that I'm always hungry. If I let my self start to feel hungry, I also start to feel sick. The pretzel sticks aren't cutting it. So I'm now moving toward several small MEALS a day, instead of "snacking". This, of course, is making me feel very self conscious and worried about rapid weight gain, but that hasn't really been an issue. So I suppose I should just quit the worrying (too bad that I've never been good about doing that). So I'm doing my best to stick to healthy foods like rice and veggies, peanut butter crackers, and APPLES.
I officially have a pregnancy craving, and thank God it's a healthy one. I want to eat apples and appley foods all day and would if I could convince myself that I don't really need that other nutrition. But as that's not likely, I'm constraining myself to eating about two apples and bowl of apple sauce per day. I think I'm going to look into baking with apples: cake, muffins, etc. If you have any good apple recipes, please share!
Here are the new belly pictures:
I'm really not deformed. It's just the pockets. They always look a little goofy.
Fun Facts!
*When is your due date? April 12, 2010
*What week are you in? 12 weeks
*What week are you in? 12 weeks

*How much weight have you gained? Over this entire time, I have gained 1lb.
*Do you know the gender of your baby? If so, what? Not yet, It'll be another couple of months
*Do you have a name picked out? What? Boy: Kellen Gabriel or Kellen Daniel (I think it's romantic naming a baby after the father), Girl: I really like Aiden or Maryanne or maybe something flowery
*Who is going to be with you during delivery? Dan
*Natural or medicated childbirth? Medicated when I can't take it anymore
*Home or hospital birth? Bloomington Hospital
*How are you feeling right about now? Nausea in the morning, but energy in the evenings (Yeah!)
*Have you felt the baby move? Well, it officially is moving. I just can't feel it yet.
*What is the latest thing you bought for baby? We haven't done much shopping yet. We're kind of trying to wait until we find out the gender.
*Any food cravings? APPLES!
*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Not much new. Tomatoes and spinach (I've started taking my folic acid again. Vegetables are just not appetizing right now).
*Memorable Moment of the Week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat again! Oh, I love that sound.