In case you can't tell from the look of utter glee on my little girl's face, summer has been a blast so far. She loves to play in the sprinkler and has even given the Splash Pad at Karst Park a chance. She also LOVES her swingset. The two go together great in her opinion.
We also installed a ceiling fan in her room. She really enjoyed being a little construction worker.
She had to make sure everything was just right. And in Aidie's words "It looks good!"
We also had a super fun fourth of july. Aidie had never been to see fireworks before. So this was an experience. I was a little worried that she wouldn't like the loud noise, but she was perfectly happy, as long as we covered her ears. She loved waving her little flag and blowing on her pinwheel. It was lots of good fun. Of course the Terre Haute people didn't flag off areas and we ended up nearly directly under the fireworks, but it was definitely a great show. Don't worry, I sheltered Aidie under a tree... lol. Guess we'll know better for next year. Anyway. Happy Severance Day!