Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Hoppy Easter

 We had a fantastic Easter! Aidie woke up in the morning and the Easter Bunny had left a basket of goodies plus overflow of eggs and other goodies. Boy was she excited! Her favorite thing all day was looking for eggs and hoping to catch a glimpse of the Easter Bunny ( daddy is very good at spotting him!).

 Of course, after we found all the eggs we went inside to peruse through the spoils. Apparently it was a good haul.
 One of the awesome things the Easter Bunny brought was sunglasses. What a movie star!
 We loved decorating eggs for Easter! Helping the Easter Bunny is an awesome job.

 And just in time for Easter, the first baby chick was born Easter eve. A new little one is on his way now. Soon the place will be cheaping and chirping with babies.