We had such a fun time at Wes and Lauren's wedding a couple of weeks ago. Aiden loved dancing with all the other kids and, of course, Wes and Lauren. Aiden also thought it was awesome that they had a green candy bar. We had WAY TOO MANY gummi bears. Congrats Wes and Lauren!
Yet another princess for Aidie to admire. She cannot stop talking about all the people she knows who are married and trying to convince me that she is marrying daddy... Oh it has started. LOL.
That last set of pictures is SO funny. They tried to hard to sink the point and they finally got it. Too cute. I am pretty sure that Wes and Lauren would steal our daughter if we turned our backs too long. Good thing Aidie adores them!
As for some super good news: I FINALLY LANDED A TEACHING POSITION! I will be teaching 2nd grade at Staunton Elementary! Yippee!
If you're wondering what a "wisling" is, you've come to the right place. A "wisling", so named by my friend Lilly, is a beautiful bundle of joy that takes about nine months to incubate and 18 years to grow to physical maturity. As of this time we are unable to calculate the average date of emotional maturity, due to insufficient data collection.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
4th of July
In case you can't tell from the look of utter glee on my little girl's face, summer has been a blast so far. She loves to play in the sprinkler and has even given the Splash Pad at Karst Park a chance. She also LOVES her swingset. The two go together great in her opinion.
We also installed a ceiling fan in her room. She really enjoyed being a little construction worker.
She had to make sure everything was just right. And in Aidie's words "It looks good!"
We also had a super fun fourth of july. Aidie had never been to see fireworks before. So this was an experience. I was a little worried that she wouldn't like the loud noise, but she was perfectly happy, as long as we covered her ears. She loved waving her little flag and blowing on her pinwheel. It was lots of good fun. Of course the Terre Haute people didn't flag off areas and we ended up nearly directly under the fireworks, but it was definitely a great show. Don't worry, I sheltered Aidie under a tree... lol. Guess we'll know better for next year. Anyway. Happy Severance Day!
We also installed a ceiling fan in her room. She really enjoyed being a little construction worker.
She had to make sure everything was just right. And in Aidie's words "It looks good!"
We also had a super fun fourth of july. Aidie had never been to see fireworks before. So this was an experience. I was a little worried that she wouldn't like the loud noise, but she was perfectly happy, as long as we covered her ears. She loved waving her little flag and blowing on her pinwheel. It was lots of good fun. Of course the Terre Haute people didn't flag off areas and we ended up nearly directly under the fireworks, but it was definitely a great show. Don't worry, I sheltered Aidie under a tree... lol. Guess we'll know better for next year. Anyway. Happy Severance Day!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
We are just so busy and without internet... this is as good as it gets...
We have been very busy lately. We have three wedding this summer. Two are done. One still to come. We are so happy for all of our friends who are letting us share in this wonderful day with them. It is very tiring though. Here we have a few Aidie pictures from Evan and Shelley McKalip's wedding. Aidie loved dancing with "the princess" as much as possible. Poor Shelley hardly got to dance with Evan until after we left. 

We have also been building a playset. We had to level the ground, then build. It was tiring but definitely worth it. My husband is so amazing! Aidie definitely had fun getting her hands dirty!
Plus there was pirate day in the mix!
And we recently had a pool party on father's day over at Aunt Cindy's house. It was Aidie's first time in a deep pool. She didn't particularly care for it and would only get in with me. I don't think we have much of a mermaid on our hands... But we had a bit of fun.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Happy Belated Mother's Day everyone! So much has happened since my last post. Aidie is now 2! We have had our 3rd Mother's Day and we are at the last week of school. Time is FLYING!
Let us do pictures in order:
Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there. I was fortunate enough to spend it with two of the most important mothers in my life. We had so much fun on mother's day. Aiden played and played and played. She had the most fun swinging with everyone. Everyone was REQUIRED to take a turn on the swing. Not that anyone would have turned down that opportunity. We also got our annual mother's day pictures. The only day of the year the boys cannot refuse our requests for family photos in decent clothes.
Nammy and Aidie having lots of funny. Since she can't really say her "G" sound. Grammy is Nammy.
It was Uncle Johnny's birthday the following week. Aidie prepped all this week to be ready to sing his birthday song. It was so adorable how often she practiced singing the birthday song. SO CUTE!
It is always hard getting the photographer in a photo. But we manage!
I loved this photo idea!
Me and my girl!
Aidie has decided that she wants to be a photographer too. She came home after all that fun and kept going up to the tripod and saying "say cheese! *pause* It a good one!" Over and over! Cutest child ever.
Aiden had such a good time at her birthday party. It might have been a bit rainy, but we had a good time. Above you can see her new little friend Calvin helping to open her birthday presents.\
Grampy brought along his amazing bubbles. Better than a magician or clown any day!
Me and my girl through a whole new view.
Here she is blowing out her technologically inclined candle. Thank you so much Jen for having that on your phone. Of all the things I remembered to bring, I apparently did not remember candles. Argh!
Aidie and Aunt Lilly having a blast giving Uncle Jim some kiddo training.
Daddy is showing aidie just how to work her new little umbrella. As you can see, they are both pros already!
And of course we cannot forget Grandpa! Happy one more year! Aidie loved helping Grandpa Wisley blow out his candle. She has had lots of practice!!!
Well, that about sums it up. She is happy, healthy (though to be checked out thoroughly at Riley over the summer to double check on the digestion trouble) and is growing so quickly! I am enjoying every minute mommyhood and can't wait to spend the long summer with her! Speaking of which- if you know of anywhere that needs elementary teachers, let me know and put in a good word for me! Thanks!
Let us do pictures in order:
Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there. I was fortunate enough to spend it with two of the most important mothers in my life. We had so much fun on mother's day. Aiden played and played and played. She had the most fun swinging with everyone. Everyone was REQUIRED to take a turn on the swing. Not that anyone would have turned down that opportunity. We also got our annual mother's day pictures. The only day of the year the boys cannot refuse our requests for family photos in decent clothes.
Nammy and Aidie having lots of funny. Since she can't really say her "G" sound. Grammy is Nammy.
It was Uncle Johnny's birthday the following week. Aidie prepped all this week to be ready to sing his birthday song. It was so adorable how often she practiced singing the birthday song. SO CUTE!
It is always hard getting the photographer in a photo. But we manage!
I loved this photo idea!
Me and my girl!
Aidie has decided that she wants to be a photographer too. She came home after all that fun and kept going up to the tripod and saying "say cheese! *pause* It a good one!" Over and over! Cutest child ever.
Aiden had such a good time at her birthday party. It might have been a bit rainy, but we had a good time. Above you can see her new little friend Calvin helping to open her birthday presents.\
Grampy brought along his amazing bubbles. Better than a magician or clown any day!
Me and my girl through a whole new view.
Here she is blowing out her technologically inclined candle. Thank you so much Jen for having that on your phone. Of all the things I remembered to bring, I apparently did not remember candles. Argh!
Aidie and Aunt Lilly having a blast giving Uncle Jim some kiddo training.
Daddy is showing aidie just how to work her new little umbrella. As you can see, they are both pros already!
And of course we cannot forget Grandpa! Happy one more year! Aidie loved helping Grandpa Wisley blow out his candle. She has had lots of practice!!!
Well, that about sums it up. She is happy, healthy (though to be checked out thoroughly at Riley over the summer to double check on the digestion trouble) and is growing so quickly! I am enjoying every minute mommyhood and can't wait to spend the long summer with her! Speaking of which- if you know of anywhere that needs elementary teachers, let me know and put in a good word for me! Thanks!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Our Hoppy Easter
We had a fantastic Easter! Aidie woke up in the morning and the Easter Bunny had left a basket of goodies plus overflow of eggs and other goodies. Boy was she excited! Her favorite thing all day was looking for eggs and hoping to catch a glimpse of the Easter Bunny ( daddy is very good at spotting him!).
Of course, after we found all the eggs we went inside to peruse through the spoils. Apparently it was a good haul.
One of the awesome things the Easter Bunny brought was sunglasses. What a movie star!
We loved decorating eggs for Easter! Helping the Easter Bunny is an awesome job.
And just in time for Easter, the first baby chick was born Easter eve. A new little one is on his way now. Soon the place will be cheaping and chirping with babies.
Of course, after we found all the eggs we went inside to peruse through the spoils. Apparently it was a good haul.
One of the awesome things the Easter Bunny brought was sunglasses. What a movie star!
We loved decorating eggs for Easter! Helping the Easter Bunny is an awesome job.
And just in time for Easter, the first baby chick was born Easter eve. A new little one is on his way now. Soon the place will be cheaping and chirping with babies.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
My husband is amazing. Thank you for another year of fantastic birthday invites, darling! Hope you all can make it!
All the things I've missed talking about since January
This will be primarily a picture post. After my long absence, I figure it is about time that you all get to see a few pictures. Our move has been successful and we are settling in. Hoping that I will be able to find a job in the fall and we can set out on our own. Enjoy the photos!
Aiden playing outside. She has been loving all the insanely warm weather and lots of gardening. I am pretty sure she is happiest when covered in an inch of dirt.
I finally broke down and allowed her to go on a boat, safely preserved by an infant life jacket. Yes, I said infant. She is still far too tiny to fit into the smallest of small child life preservers. She LOVES the boat and like to pretend she's in a boat, even when she's not. Her favorite song: Row, Row, Row Your Boat... Who would have thought...
Here we are at the flower and patio show. We thought that it sounded like so much fun, plus we took my parents. We all had a grand time touring all the awesom exhibits that I now want to exist in my future home.Water coming out of the wall? YES I WANT IT!
And when there was still snow: Aidie loved to eat icicles. Best winter treats.
And we had a great time during maple syrup season. We played and drank so much maple syrup water that I think we slept in comas.
Also, Aiden loves to be up off the ground. In swings, trees, etc. She is officially a big girl swing kid. No more baby swings for her. If it doesn't put her in a precarious enough position, it's not good enough.
We also got to go to the zoo a couple of weeks ago with my cousin, her husband and their little boy, Iroh. Aiden had so much fun spending time with her cousin, something I did not expect. She was so helpful, helping pick up his sippy cups and patting him on the knee when he was sad. So cute!
Aiden playing outside. She has been loving all the insanely warm weather and lots of gardening. I am pretty sure she is happiest when covered in an inch of dirt.
I finally broke down and allowed her to go on a boat, safely preserved by an infant life jacket. Yes, I said infant. She is still far too tiny to fit into the smallest of small child life preservers. She LOVES the boat and like to pretend she's in a boat, even when she's not. Her favorite song: Row, Row, Row Your Boat... Who would have thought...
Here we are at the flower and patio show. We thought that it sounded like so much fun, plus we took my parents. We all had a grand time touring all the awesom exhibits that I now want to exist in my future home.Water coming out of the wall? YES I WANT IT!
And when there was still snow: Aidie loved to eat icicles. Best winter treats.
And we had a great time during maple syrup season. We played and drank so much maple syrup water that I think we slept in comas.
Also, Aiden loves to be up off the ground. In swings, trees, etc. She is officially a big girl swing kid. No more baby swings for her. If it doesn't put her in a precarious enough position, it's not good enough.
We also got to go to the zoo a couple of weeks ago with my cousin, her husband and their little boy, Iroh. Aiden had so much fun spending time with her cousin, something I did not expect. She was so helpful, helping pick up his sippy cups and patting him on the knee when he was sad. So cute!
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