Merry Christmas #1
Christmas at Our House
Very much a picture post (with more picture posts to come)! Since we spend the night at my in-laws for Christmas Eve, we told Aidie that Santa would be stopping by early during her nap. Here we are having our family Christmas. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did :-)
Rub a Dub Dub. Now
Dan Aiden can be an artist in the tub!
Santa brought Aidie a cleaning set. Now she can use a broom that is her size instead of my overly huge one. lol.
Awesomely sweet Christmas present from my hubby and little girl. A memory book of my best gift ever, AIDIE!
This was Aidie's gift to Mommy and Daddy. She was so proud of it. She wanted to take it everywhere. We FINALLY got to put it on the tree. *tears*
And thank you Auntie Ellen and Uncle Biruk for the awesome gifts. I think our favorite might be the little Mountee Hat. It is too darn adorable!!!
We have a tradition of Christmas jammies in this family. Aidie wanted to wear her's around her neck, but it was okay if her baby wanted to wear her nightgown already... so she did!
Anyone for a little Hockey for Beginners?
Merry Christmas #2
Christmas Eve with the Kings. We opened a couple of superly awesome Christmas Eve appropriate book gifts: Olivia helps with Christmas (we LOVE the Olivia series by Ian Falconer!!!) and a classic, The Night Before Christmas- Illustrated by Jan Brett (best Illustrator ever!).
Merry Christmas #3
Christmas Eve with the Wisleys
Since we were staying the night we were busy folks. We opened some gifts, had some appetizer dinner, watched some football and of course (after Aidie went to bed) had a few drinks and stayed up way too late. Needless to say, we were all exhausted by the time morning rolled around. Thank goodness Santa did all the morning preparations ;-)
Edith Anne Aidie in her favorite rocking chair.
I'm really peddling Mama! Well, kinda. I'm working on it. Give me a break!
Wisley family pictures. The time when Kathy and I say, okay this will only take a second and be totally worth it in the future and the men say "Is this over yet?"