**Warning** This post contains an overload of pictures**

So it comes to pass that the little girl who once would not let go of my skirt in front of "strangers" (these including her own uncles and such) is now the belle of the ball, entertaining and interacting with everyone! I cannot hardly believe the transformation.
We decided to spend our park day in a large meadow with just a tiny playground and Aidie had a fantastic time running and running the whole morning!

We even found some wild grapes growing. She was VERY interested, but there was no tasting, much to her intense dissatisfaction...

We also tried our hands at fort building. Welcome back to the days when couch cushions were castle walls and blankets were Indian canopies. Aidie thought this was the best game ever! Thank you daddy for the idea.

Then, of course, it was Dan's birthday! Happy 25th! You get to be older than me for a whole two days under 2months... Ugh! A quarter of a century seems so old, doesn't it?

Regardless of the advancing years on us, we had a really nice "Dan's" day weekend. My grandmother's birthday is the 8th. So we had lots of people over on Sunday to my parents' house. And of course, with Aidie's new found socialite personality, it was a lot of fun. You can see her snatched up by uncle John and laughing hysterically.

And she had to help both Daddy and Great-Grandma King open up presents and read cards. She is a very good little helper!

As you can see, my Grandma was pleased as punch for Aidie to be happily sitting in her lap. And of course, there was a little ice cream nibbling during all of this. Mmmm...

She even snuggled with my Aunt Pam and had a few more bites of ice cream. I'm surprised she wasn't wired!

Then, as I went to get water, they turned my child into a biker babe. Can't really say it was forced, from the look on her face.

Uncle John even showed her how to ride a motorcycle properly. Laying on your belly in Aidie's case.

Since Monday was Dan's real birthday, we spent they day with his family. Megan came over with Matt and Aidie was finally willing to play without mommy on constant call. So Aidie and Megan read lots of books.

And Uncle Matt got to wear a pretty lei.

So all in all. A very good Labor Day weekend. Happy back to work everyone, even me. Yes. I'm starting a remediation position with MCCSC probably Tuesday. Thank goodness Aidie decided to turn social!